Friday, August 27, 2010

Leisure,Sport Of Life

Leisure is the sport of life. It enhances physical and mental fitness.
Being the time that an individual has as free enough, with or without pressing responsibilities, to engage in an act or activities that bring pleasure, leisure has been with mankind.
Ancient men moved from one location to the other, in search of a place to call home. When men found new settings, they had to reorganize their languages and modes of life in order to fit in. This is when leisure came, when men and women in families and communities sought activities like songs, dances, stories, proverbs, poetry, hunting, football ecetera, to give them the inner fulfillment they craved for.
Recently a sports model on a shopping trip to Kano, went along to the famous BATA Market.She bought some cosmetics but before boarding a bus to get back, she realized the few goods had expired several months ago. Good for everyone, the trader pleaded with her and gave her better quality goods in compensation. Her joy knew no bounds, because one bad buy, or bad sale, is enough to take the pleasure out of her leisure, even her health.

So what makes  a good leisure?  The enjoyment in any leisure is the result of the merits it contains.Life  is worth living because we need to always choose activities that challenge and bring out our potentials.A leisure well spent,helps us to be in the position of living a good life.

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